About Donna

Hi, I’m Donna Deteau (pronounced DayToe), a Certified Top 6 & Thinking Into Results coach, and my genius zone is helping you create “Beyond Realistic Results” in your life and/or in your business. The kind of results you’ve only fantasized about. The kind of results where you feel exuberant, accellerated, and exceptional. The kind of life/business where you create explosive growth and wealth so you can experience ALL that matters to you.
Let’s cut through the caca here. You wouldn’t be reading this right now if you weren’t looking for something…something bigger, better, and brighter. You KNOW there is more to life. You KNOW that what you’re experiencing now isn’t enough for you (it may be enough for others, but not for you!). You know you are capable of achieving things that not even you have conceived of yet.
And guess what? YOU ARE!!! The potential in you is limitless. Now if you have told me that a few years ago, I would have laughed in your face. Limitless potential? Come on…what does that even mean?
It means that you can have, be and achieve anything you want…and I do mean ANYTHING.
So what do you want? Now don’t ask yourself “What do I think I can get?” What do you really want? What do you secretly want.
That’s where we start. We start with your BIG WANTS. I call this your BHAG: your Big Hairy Audacious Goal.
True story: I gave up on goals 2 decades ago. Why? Because rarely did I reach them. But also because they didn’t excite me. Now I know why. Today, my BHAG is exciting and scary and gets me out of bed like a bolt of lightening Every. Single. Day.
How would you like to be excited Every. Single. Day? How would you like to feel exuberant about your life, even through the challenging days. How would like to experience explosive growth, both personally and professionally?
Ready to Get Started?
How would YOU like to be excited Every. Single. Day? How would you like to feel exuberant about your life, even through the challenging days? How would you like to experience explosive growth, both personally and professionally? I thought so!
Try a 30-minute complimentary discovery session where we will explore your possibilities. No pressure. No sales job. Let’s just explore what you really, secretively WANT. Come on. What have you got to lose?